Thursday, November 15, 2007


Christmas Pic Preview

This post is dedicated, in part to Tanyetta. I don't even know her that well, put she left me a nice post after months of no blogging, and it made me feel loved. Thanks to others who posted on mine after long stretches of not blogging (like Tyler and Bob).

I basically wanted to blog because Tanyetta let me know that people still check my blog out here in Bloser-ville.

So, for my come back post, I'm giving you all a sneak-peek at our Christmas card picture. He he he! Hopefully this is ok with Denae... $c;

(scroll down please)

Are you disappointed? "C'mon Steven!" I told you it was a sneak-peek. If I put the whole thing on there, I might as well baste myself along-side the Thanksgiving turkey and hop in the oven... That would be a quicker and less painful death than suffering the wrath of Denae if I spoiled our Christmas pic!

Juuuuuust Kiddiiiiiiiiiing!!!

Ahhhhhh, well, it's good to be back!

Until next time... maybe next July?

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